Calories in Wine
We are in an era where everyone is trying to eat right and live right, people are now cautious of what they eat and drink, some are on Keto diet, some decided to go vegan, some wont take a bite until they are sure of the number of calories they’re consuming, but most importantly, we all want to eat clean. This is the major reason I decided to sell Organic Wine.
For Wine Lovers, its kinda hard to know how many calories we consume on each glass, this is because the caloric information is not readily available on every bottle, individuals with dietary restrictions are at a loss. The important facts about calories in wine have been a mystery to us until now. This article provides the facts about calories in all types of wine.
You may have been in the middle of your glass of Merlot the other night and thought to yourself, “I don’t actually know how many calories I’m drinking.” You’re not alone, and there’s a reason for that. The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) does not require calorie and nutrition labeling on bottles of wine. It is only recently that some manufacturers have started to put them on the bottles of their own accord.
What do the Calories in Wine Come From?
Calories in wine mainly come from the alcohol. Alcohol adds seven calories per gram to your drink. That means, the higher the alcohol content, the higher the number of calories.
So, if your aim is to choose a bottle of wine that is lower in calories, you need to pay close attention to the alcohol by volume (ABV) measurement. If you select a bottle of wine that is between 9–12% ABV, you are choosing a bottle that is somewhat lower in calories compared to most other wines.
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