How To Hold a Wine Glass

The Finest Italian Wine
2 min readApr 27, 2018


Holding a Wine Glass may seem ordinary but when you are in a public place, it tells a lot about your etiquette and your knowledge about wine, even though little, it goes a long way in your appearance, so here are some few pointers on how to hold a wine glass so you don’t appear boorish winks

1. Hold the stem between your thumb and first two fingers.

Pinch the stem of the wine glass between your thumb, index finger, and middle finger. • As you position your fingers, place them on the lower half of the stem. Your middle finger should rest on the stem just above the base. • Only these three fingers will come into direct contact with the stem of the glass. Your remaining two fingers should naturally rest on top of the base.

• This is the standard way to hold a wine glass. Holding it in this manner should provide plenty of stability while keeping your hands away from the bowl of the glass.

Originally published at on April 27, 2018.



The Finest Italian Wine

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